Saturday, February 12, 2011

What is Possum Ark?

I guess I should start by explaining what Possum Ark is and who we are....

Possum Ark is just a blog, established to teach not preach about caring for our native fauna, particularly the Brush Tail Possum in South Australia. My wife and I are part of a group of like minded volunteers seeking to raise awareness of the decline in Brush-tail and Ring-tail possums in our state, taking in sick, injured and orphaned possums and providing treatment and care in an environment as similar to nature as we can provide.

We are all members of Fauna Rescue of South Australia Inc. an established organisation providing regular training for members in best practices for caring and successful rehabilitation of many kinds of wildlife. It has approval from the DEH to take in and care for most species of native fauna in South Australia including Birds, Raptors, Marsupials, Reptiles etc.

Fauna Rescue is South Australia's largest non-profit wildlife organisation, it's members are all volunteers and care for sick injured and orphaned wildlife in their own homes and bear most of the the cost of care from their own pockets. Each year Fauna Rescue members take into care approximately two to three thousand animals/birds & reptiles. (South Australia covers approx One Million square Kilometers [390,000square miles] and has a human population of approx 1.8 million)

The Dept of Environment & Heritage [DEH] regulations govern where and when possums can be released [which at this time is very limited], who can care for them and licenses pest controllers to capture and re-locate troublesome possum in urban environs.

Whilst Fauna Rescue's policy is to "Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release" (See note below) it also provides education services to schools and social groups highlighting South Australia's wildlife and the impact of the urban sprawl on those creatures.

The Common Brush-Tail Possum is classified as endangered in South Australia by the IUCN Red list of Threatened Species yet often seen as a pest, especially when nesting in or near urban properties. Through this Blog I hope to dispel some of those misconceptions, raise awareness of the good work that Fauna Rescue and other wildlife rescue organisations in South Australia do and hopefully encourage some of you to become involved in caring for your local wildlife where ever you live .

NB: At the time of posting Possums in South Australia should only be released (must be within 50mts of where they were found where practical) if this can be done within 48hrs

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